DVD collection


This video is a must see for any person who loves the history of London. It features footage from some venues that are considered to be among England’s most famous halls or fame, including Paddington’s Outside Institute and Seen working outside in radioactivecallback seenlanding cmf Show case 2015
AMassive amount great work shot cleanly with music mixed by DJ Junk!

Two- New york special

The film is an hour and 15 minutes of original footage that captures some New York legends talking about their lives back in the day. For example, who held down which lines and how no real writer ever bought paint delivered by a typical NYC contractor – all with interviews done candidly but honestly!

Three – Sleeping giants jam

Join the world’s best writer-jams with 250+ talented authors, including Can2 of Montana Team and his book Smash! With over 100 more incredible writers from around planet earth. Get your word on this jam today–the last day before we announce our big award ceremony at Seak/Smash event